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Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Don’t you just love gifts?
On Saturday Nessa of “The Chrysalis Stage” aka “Goldennib” came over to my house for a visit.
We had a lovely time talking, drinking coffee and nibbling on some cookies. We also took a tour of my Studio. It was a wonderful time, we talked like we had known each other for ever.
Nessa brought me this gift for my studio...the fragrance is Lavender and Mint...my studio smells wonderful.

The other day Ken took my parents to an Oriental Supermarket in our area and came back with this lovely Gingko leaf, that he found in their parking lot...don’t you just love the shape...and the color...Oh! my. This gift more than any shows me just how well he knows me...I like that!!!

This afternoon Ken brought me three pots of Michaelmas Daisies. They remind me that Summer is leaving and that Autumn will be soon strutting her colors.

Guess who is coming to see his Afi (Ken) and Amma (Me :))? He is bringing his lovely Parents, who brought this most precious gift of all, into the world.


Posted by Mo'a :: 2:46 PM :: 24 Art Connoiseurs

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Hummingbird Feeder

We have a Hummingbird feeder that is visible from my front porch. Much to my delight it is full of activity. There is a Ruby-throated pair that visit many times each day. As far as I can tell they are always the same pair.

The male has been dubbed the bully by me, as he stands guard over the feeder and won’t let anyone near it.
However, the female is quite tenacious and can get her share.

Several times, I have seen them both at the same time, enjoying a little repast. Some day I will get a photo of that moment.
The little male is quite busy as there are several Chickadees and Tufted Titmice that like to drink the water from the fresh water reservoir on the feeder.


Posted by Mo'a :: 2:15 PM :: 26 Art Connoiseurs

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Her Majesty The Queen Of The Sauna

About seven years ago while living in Salem, MA, I was visiting my parents here in New Jersey.
A few days into my visit my fingers were itching to create something.
I went to the local AC Moore and found Sculpy II clay in silver. The only tools they had were plastic and in not time I had broken all of them. I finally settled on a nail file and toothpicks as tools.
This was the first time I had used polymer clay. My hands get very warm when I am working with polymer clay, resulting in a lot of melting and slumping of the clay. When I did this piece I did not know that I could bake in several stages.
She is not perfect.....I am a perfectionist. For some reason she is one of my favorites of all the work I have done. And because she is not perfect she lives in my house.
The other day I noticed the little crown that is on her head, siting on the counter in the master bathroom.
My husband had left it there when he opened a new bottle of “Royall BayRhum”....*their spelling* After Shave from Bermuda. Not only does he smell good but he also left me a little treasure to find. I just love that :)
That was day of the coronation. I present “Her Majesty The Queen Of The Sauna”


Posted by Mo'a :: 2:49 PM :: 29 Art Connoiseurs

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Squirrel Baffle

In front of my house, there is a small porch, where we like to sit in the evening just before dinner. That is the time the birds come to the bird feeder and the squirrels look on longingly.

One little squirrel has a tenacious spirit. He tries every which way to get past the squirrel baffle on the bird feeder. Finally accepting the few morsels that fall on the ground and a refreshing drink from the bird bath.


Posted by Mo'a :: 10:14 AM :: 6 Art Connoiseurs

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The New Leaf

For a number of years I have made it a practice to go by myself on an Artist Date. I think I have mentioned that in past posts. This is a time for me to get out of the studio, to forget responsibilities and to observe, think about and be inspired by what I see on these outings.

Lately, however, I do not go alone on most of these excursions, my Mother joins me.
My Mother is eighty four years old and can no longer drive due to an eye problem. Now that my ninety three year old Father does not drive any longer either, the only time they go out of the house is when someone else drives.
Mother and I enjoy our outings, we love to go out for lunch at nearby tea rooms,or restaurants and to take a look in gift shop or two.
Last week we went to a tea room called The New Leaf in Riverton, NJ.
Our lunch was delicious and the surroundings elegant. We enjoyed looking around and doing a little shopping in the delightful gift shop attached to the tea room.
Phyllis Rodgers the owner of the shop gave me kind
permission to take pictures and to write about our experiences at The New Leaf.


Posted by Mo'a :: 8:52 PM :: 17 Art Connoiseurs

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Angela Giovanna Loroux

It was four years ago when I first saw Eden this amazing doll by today's featured artist Angela Giovanna Loroux. I was hooked and Eden has been in my memory ever since.
I see a lot of art every day and there are few artist that impress me as much as Angela does. Her art is both poignant and as elegant as their creator.

Angela attended Manhattan Beauty School and specialized in FX Make-up.
She was an award winning Display Artist for a large retail corporation and a resident Artist in a large Theatrical Costume shop where she made all things three dimensional: from hats to mascot costumes to props for productions throughout the United States and Canada.
Her Fantasy Illustration, Children’s Portraits & Photography work can be found in collections all over the world.

I asked Angela a few questions. Here are the questions and Angela's answers.

Mo’a: What direction is your art going in lately and what excites you?

Angela: Lately I have been working on faerie pieces for Faerie Con that will be held in October 2007 in Philadelphia, PA, as well as mythological characters in paper clay. I feel compelled to include my love of Premier paper clay, as I plan on working in mainly in this medium in the future.
I am entirely self taught, with the exception of purchasing and watching the Creager's Instructional Video tapes and Hannie Sarris' Instructional Books.
They are not only extraordinarily talented people they are very lovely human beings, which is important to me.

Mo’a: Do you belong to any Doll Clubs or Artist Organizations?

Angela: I belong to the Dollmakers List as well as other smaller sculpture lists. I am also a member of ASFA, the Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists.

Mo’a: In reading about you for this article, I saw that you have had many awards and honors through your art. Would you tell us what they are?

Angela: My work has been featured in the books, "Spectrum 11 & 12, The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art."
I received the Froudian Artist Award for February 2005 and was chosen as the number one Fairy Fantasy Artist of the same month by Hannie Sarris.
I was featured on the french website, Free Land of Fantasy, for my piece "Eden" alongside Thomas Kuebler for appearing in Spectrum 11.

My piece "Morigan" was mentioned in an
Amazon Review for "Spectrum 11, The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art".

My piece "Within A Whisper" appears in the upcoming edition of Contemporary Doll Collector.

Mo’a: What inspired your piece “The Healer”?

Angela: I made "The Healer" specifically to celebrate a man who dedicated his life to helping and healing victims of Gulf War Syndrome and environmentally triggered illnesses. I was later informed the piece will be permanently displayed in a new Healing Arts Center in Eastern Pennsylvania.

Mo’a: Do you work full time on your art?

Angela: I literally work around the clock on my pieces. I only stop when I need to rest. I get my inspiration for a lot for my pieces from my dreams. My work is my way of communicating, it embodies who I am. I feel I have so much more ahead of me, the excitement truly is the journey.

Oden and Frigg



As you can see by the pieces shown here, Angela's Art is as extraordinary as their creator.
Angela has a blog, please go and visit her there and also leave a comment here. I know that she would like to hear from you.


Posted by Mo'a :: 8:44 AM :: 26 Art Connoiseurs


Doll Maker and Artiste Extraordinaire

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