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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Sophie's List

Dear little puppytoes Sophie, has challenged me to write a book meme....she was ever so sneaky and had her mommy/Neva tell me about this. So here you are Sophietoes my list.

1. One Book You have read more than once:
Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren.I read it in Icelandic, there Pippi is called Lina Langsokkur.
I loved this book and wish I had brought it with me when we moved to the States, from Iceland.
When I was twelve years old I had a pet monkey that used to ride on my shoulder. He would hiss and screech at my Mother, when she tried to pry him off me, the mornings that I had to leave for school. I thought of myself as Lina, with her pet monkey Niels, on her shoulder.

2. One Book you would want on a desert island:
Well, I can tell you that I am not going there.....now if it were a dessert island I would be there in a blink of an eye.
However, Sophietoes, if you insist on sending me there I would bring “The Bible”, Old and New Testament. It has everything, sex, lust, greed, murder, mystery and love.....well you know all this.....I think it would be a good read, if I were to agree to going to this desert island of yours, which I am not, so forget it..

3. One Book that made you laugh:
This one will surprise you. Mya Angelou’s “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” there is one scene in this book that had me laughing so hard that I literally ROTBLOL (rolled on the bed laughing out loud) What? you though I would go and roll on the floor.....I know little puppy, that is what you would do, but remember I am human. Anyway there is this scene that takes place in Church......well read it, and you will find out why I thought it so funny. You can read? Yes, I thought you could... you write so well.

4. One Book that made you cry:
Ernest Hemingway’s “For Whom the Bell Tolls” I was very young and this was the first book I read about a war. It made a tremendous impact on me and it also made me sick, so sick that I had to go to the bathroom, to leave my lunch there.

5. One Book you wish you had written:
Now that is a good question. Is that from the point of view of best written? Or a book that has made billions and made the author richer than god.....well, richer than almost anyone?
Who am I kidding? “The Philosopher’s Stone” by J.K.Rowling. I also would have been compelled to write a series of seven books that would lead to muchmuchmuch (borrowed that from you :^), lots of money, movie rights, product endorsements etc. and etc., and on top of that I would have a great, fun web site like this. Hint....the word this (see word before Hint) is a portal and you will be transported to J.K Rowling’s site. Have fun.
But believe me, I would not kill Harry Potter off in the last, still unpublished book, which is the rumor I heard. What makes me shudder is that I heard J.K. herself say that, so I guess it is not really a rumor :( That is just not right and Sophie baby if J.K. does that, which she said she would, scratch the answer above (number 4) and insert that sadsadsad still unpublished book.

6. One Book you wish had never been written:
Blindness by Jose Saramago,.....actually I wish I had never read it. It is so well written and so graphic, that I had to,on many occasions while reading this book, go and deposit my lunch in the bathroom.

7. One Book you are currently reading:
“The Vein of Gold” by Julia Cameron. I loved reading and working with her book “The Artist’s Way” ( see number 9) so much, that I thought it would be good to read and work with “The Vein of Gold” I am also reading “Hja Baru” by Ingolfur Margeirsson......you guessed it, an Icelandic book.“Carl and Karin Larsson Creators of The Swedish Style”. “The Little Locksmith” A Memoir by Katherine Butler Hathaway, this also could qualify for question number one, as I am re-reading this book and tomorrow I will also start on and stop reading...(see number below,number 8) You thought I only read one book at the time? *laughs*

8. One Book you keep meaning to read:
Well this is funny, Minka the Penguin girl had the same answer.
Many years ago my son who was in college at the time handed me this book and said “Mother you must read this” so I started reading, then stopped, started reading it again, then stopped, started again, stopped......you get the idea. This book has been on my bedside table for twelve years and in two homes. Every once in a while I pick it up and start reading. I am sure it is a good book, after all Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a great writer and “One Hundred Years of Solitude” is considered a masterpiece. On the back cover of the book it says, that it is the first piece of literature since the Book of Genesis that should be required reading for the entire human race. What is keeping me from, keeping on reading this book? It is just the kind of book I love to read.*shakes her head*
Perhaps Sophie, I should go to that desert island of yours and read it once and for all, who knows it might become the book that I will read more than once. If that happens, insert this book’s name, where it says Lina Langsokkur.
What am I thinking? I am not going to any desert island.

9. One Book that changed your life:
“The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron. I read it at just the time in my life when I needed it the most. The “Morning Pages” and “The Artist Date” are brilliant and everybody should do that. Don’t know what I am talking about, well get your little wagging tail, to a bookstore or library and check it out.....you will thank me.....especially since you are an artist.
And......”The Mastery of Love” by Don Miguel Ruiz. I also have, the 48 card, card deck and every morning I pick out a card with a thought for the day.....have been doing that for two years, it is always a joy to me to see which card I picked.
What, you thought it would only take one book to change my life?

10. One Author who is your very favorite of all time:
I added that, just because, and it is my meme.
Charles deLint. I think I have read all his books.....he is brilliant in writing about the world in which my imagination lives. Feast your eyes on his web site. Better yet read one of his books....I would not recommend “A Circle of Cats” since cats are probably not your interest.

So there you have it Sophie baby/puppytoes/Neva. As for tagging.....there is no one left. Who is left? I ask you. Let me see you tagged, what? five, no seven people and as for the Kyahgirl she tagged a bunch of people, even Doug and he wrote his list. So who is left?

Posted by Mo'a :: 7:39 PM :: 12 Art Connoiseurs


At 8:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a brilliant, brilliantly FUNNY, brilliantly BEAUTIFUL meme, dear Mo'a!

Pippi Longstocking was one of my ALL-TIME FAVORITE books as a young girl... i mean, the stories i was attracted to included Dorothy (of the Oz series) Alice (of Wonderland fame) and Pippi. i adored her because she was so capable. and sassy. and smart.

your list is an impressive one, no surprises there... by the way, that link to JK Rowling's site is FABULOUS!

clever clever Mo'a! beautiful, SO talented, and incredibly well-read (guess we will *all* have to read that "Solitude" epic someday... maybe we should start an online book club?) but even as i was impressed and/or amazed by this meme, i was also amused... damn, girlfriend, you are ONE funny woman! (just one of the many things i lovelovelove about you!!) thank you for doing this AND for sharing!! xox

At 4:49 PM, Blogger Miz BoheMia said...

I love Pippy!!!!! I read her in Danish and there she is called Pipi Langstrompe! She was so cool and tough and strong! I loved her endless supply of money and her strength as well as her living alone! And I always did want a monkey! Once, when in Peru, I tried to convince my mom to buy me a monkey but alas, no go!

Brilliant you amazing and dear Mo'a! I bow humbly before your wisdom FO SHO! FO SHO!

And forgive my email absence... it has been crazy here beyond words but I will get to it all as soon as I can! Just know that I have not forgotten!

Besos to you my dearest LovaMo'a!

At 4:45 AM, Blogger Ariel the Thief said...

I'm so sorry I missed Pippy. how it all went wrong, I dunno, I was an adult when I read Mary Poppins the first time, too. but I enjoyed it!

At 1:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent list (expected nothing less!)

At 3:45 PM, Blogger Mo'a said...

Neva/Sophietoes/Sopie baby/et./whoeverknows aka NSSBPW:
I am amazed that so many American girls read Pippi....I only found this out recently while talking to some women friends....silly me I thought it was just us Europeans that related to her. I was however the only one that had the pleasure of having a monkey for a pet....I however would not recoment such a pet....to unpredictable.
JK Rowling's web site slowed me down to the point that it took me a whole day to write this post...I do get distracted so easily ;)
Wow!! and online book club would be great we could use "Solitude" as the book for the year and have a chalenge as to who acctually finishes it/reads it....*smile*
Thank you for all your compliments *blush* I liked them. You sure know how to make a person feel good.
MizBohemia: I can see how you would idendify with her....I know I did. And yes, all that money, wow!!!
As I said to NSSBPW above, I would not recomend a monkey as a pet too much trouble....it was no problem for me but my Mother was ready to tear her hair out.
*blush* you and Neva sure know how to compliment.....no bowing please.
I got your e-mail this morning will answer soon and thank you my dear MizB. Besos right back at you.
Ariel: you are never to old to enjoy Pippi....it a great book for any age. What was your favorite chilhood book?
Thanks Joel and I knew that you would expect nothing less from me....that is why the pressure was on....I am just glad I did not read your meme before I did this one, that would have been way to much pressure ;^)

At 8:41 PM, Blogger tsduff said...

I love Pippi Longstocking - and so did my girls growing up.

I'm delighted that you are a Charles de Lint fan... I adore his works and after I found him, I had to haunt EBAY until I had everyone single one of his books. My first novel of his was The Onion Girls. I was hooked for life - as you know the Crow girls are right down my alley...

At 10:23 AM, Blogger Mo'a said...

Terry: Wow!!! another Charles deLint fan.....I am with you the Cow Girls are delightful....I can relate to their sweet tooth :)
Did you read the story "A Crow Girls Christmas" on his web site? It is under Triskell Tales 2....what am I saying you probably have the book already :)
I am looking forward to reading his new book Widdershins....have you read it?

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Minka said...

bugger...blogger just swallowed my comment :(


A wonderful handled meme and so much fun to read. Who is left with this one? That is a very good question and one not easily answered. I mean even Doug did it and I always thought he would be the last to crack :)
I love Lina Langsokkur. She is amazing and in almost any language available.
There is no excuse Ariel...get to it!
Thank you for teh chuckles this wonderful morning!

At 9:30 PM, Blogger Mo'a said...

Thank you Minka, it was a fun one to do and when I read on your meme that you have been meaning to read "One Hundred Years of Solitude" I thought it so funny that we have been doing the same thing.
Yes Pippi is a must read and I am sure you are going to enjoy it Ariel. As a matter of fact I think a have a re-read coming up this time I will read her in English.
I guess Solitude will just have to wait for a while ;^)

At 12:43 PM, Blogger G said...

Here's another American girl for Pippi! What a great meme! You are one funny and well read lady. I have read 100 Years of Solitude but it's so long ago, I think it's time for a rearead.

Ooh ohh pick me - I know about the Morning Pages and Artists Dates! I did that about 10 years ago? I don't think I stuck with it and I may sadly have sold the book in a garage sale, but the whole idea of writing to start the day is one that I would like to try again, so thank you for the reminder.

This was a real pleasure to read. I just did mine this week :)

At 1:30 PM, Blogger Mo'a said...

Hello G.....I love doing the morning pages. I am working with The Vein of Gold" right now love it also and it gives me ideas on what to do to keep the art juices going.....now I am walking everyday, and looking at the walk in a different way.
Now you have inspired me to at last read "100 Years of Solitude"....it is looming larger than ever on my bedside table and after hearing that you are thinking about rereading it....now I am curious.

At 9:06 AM, Blogger Ariel the Thief said...

I didn't have one favourite book or story or character but I used to love tales, all kinds of tales, Grimm, Andersen and most of all old folk tales of dragons, princesses, poor but courages third boys and so on. those are still my faves. :)


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